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What is OxyContin

OxyContin is strong guidance medicine in use when an opioid drug manages to severe pain enough to require daily around-the-clock, long-term treatment with an opioid when other pain treatments, such as non-opioid pain medicines or immediate-release opioid medicines, do not treat your pain well enough, or you can not tolerate them. OxyContin is an opioid pain medication, sometimes called a narcotic. OxyContin is not to be used on an as-needed basis for pain that is not around the clock.

Important Information

This medication, known as Narcotic oxycodone hydrochloride, is a painkiller available in the United States only by prescription. This medication relieves medium to severe pain resulting from injuries, arthritis, cancer, and neuralgia.

What to know before taking OxyContin

OxyContin is not allowed to children who are younger than 12 years old.

If you are allergic to Oxycodone or if you have these:

  • A blockage in your stomach or intestines,
  • The problem in breathing or suffering from asthma,

If you are using the same opioid medicine and can tolerate it, then do not use OxyContin.

Before taking this medication, make sure this is safe for you or not; consult your doctor if you have these:

  • Drug or alcohol addiction and mental illness
  • Head injuries and seizures
  • A problem in urination
  • Breathing problems
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Problems with your gallbladder and pancreas
  • Thyroid

If you are pregnant, then don’t take this medication because your baby may be dependent on drugs. Using medicine can cause the death of the baby after he is born. Born babies need medical treatment for many weeks. If you breastfeed, then ask your doctor before using Buy OxyContin.

How to take OxyContin

Before using OxyContin, read and follow the instructions instructed on medicine labels. Do not use this medication in large amounts or for a long time. If you want to increase the dose or time duration, then first consult your doctor. Do not give this medication to drug-addicted people or drug abuse. Misuse of this medicine can cause addiction, overdose, or death.

Do not split or break the tablets of OxyContin to inhale in powder form or liquid form, do not inject into your vein because it causes death. Do not stop this medication all of a sudden. Ask your doctor to stop the doses of this medicine. Do not take all other opioid pain medicine when you start taking release oxycontin.

Keep away this medicine from heat, light, moisture. Be aware if anyone takes this medicine without prescription or improperly because this medicine is a drug of abuse. Just a single dose of this medicine causes death if anyone uses it without a prescription.

OxyContin Dosage

  • Dosage for average pain (Age 18-64 years)

If you treat with opioid medication before ever, your starting dose can be from 5mg to 15mg in 4-6 hours as needed. According to your body’s response to the drug, your doctor can increase your dose.

  • Senior dosage (ages 65 years and older)

People who are more than 65 may have their kidneys not work well as they used—this way, your body can cause to process drugs more slowly. A higher amount of a drug stays in your body for a longer time. It can cause a risk of side effects.

Children Dosage

It is not confirmed if it is safe for children or not who are younger than 11 years. The people suffering from liver disease, then your doctor can start on you one-third to one-half of the usual starting dosage of this medication. The dosage of this medicine may change according to your body’s response.


It is fatal, especially in children or people using this medicine without doctor advice if an overdose occurs. Your doctor can recommend you to take naloxone or allow you to keep naloxone with you at all times. Your caretaker must get emergency medical help and may need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on you for use to reach.

If you have overdosed, then you get the following symptoms:

  • Pinpoint pupils,
  • Slow breathing, or no breathing
  • drowsiness

What to avoid while using OxyContin

Would you mind not drinking alcohol because it causes dangerous effects or may cause death?

When medicine starts working on your body, avoid driving or machinery because drowsiness can cause falls or other accidents. Before taking Oxycodone, always check the brand and strength of Oxycodone from the medical store.

OxyContin Side Effects

Opioid medication can slow your breathing or can stop your breathing. Because of it, death may occur. There are few allergic signs from this medicine;

  • The problem in breathing,
  • Swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Get immediate emergency medical treatment if you have difficulties breathing with long pauses, blue-colored lips, or problems waking up.

If you have once, then call your doctor:

  • Confusion and unusual behavior
  • Seizure
  • A slow heart rate or weak pulse
  • A light-headed feeling and like you pass out
  • Low cortisol levels
  • High level of serotonin
  • Noisy breathing
  • Shallow breathing and breathing that stops during sleep

In older age, debilitated people may have severe breathing problems, a syndrome, or chronic breathing disorders. If you are using this medication for the long term, it affects fertility in men or women.

Common side effects;

  • Headache and tiredness
  • Laziness and drowsiness
  • Stomach pain, vomiting and nausea

What drugs can interact with OxyContin

If this medicine interacts with other drugs, it causes problems in breathing or withdrawal symptoms. Ask your doctor if you use an antibiotic, antifungal medication, blood pressure, or medicine to treat HIV or hepatitis C. Opioid medication can interact with many other drugs and can create hazardous side effects or may cause death.

If you used to have these, then your doctor must know:

  • Cold, allergic medicine, asthma, or a diuretic
  • Treatment for motion sickness, bowel syndrome, or overactive bladder
  • A sedative like Valium
  • Drugs that make you sleepy or slow your breathing
  • Drugs that affect serotonin levels in your body